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‘Sex tends to focus more on physicality the tactile thing,’ Scott-Presland said, ‘and it has a lot more to do with the emotions that are involved in it as well. In a new video produced by Gay Star News in partnership with Age UK, Bradley Birkholz, a YouTuber, and Scott-Presland discuss their experiences of family and loneliness.Ī much-needed conversation, the pair hash out what being an LGBTI senior is like what people expect from you, what people think of you.ĭespite the age gap between them both, the two spoke openly about sex. It takes place on Gay Star News from 29 A to. This year, we are focusing on tackling loneliness and isolation. Instead, we should be open about sex no matter the age and not let age divide us, explains gay activist Peter Scott-Presland.ĭigital Pride is the only global Pride and is dedicated to enabling everyone to be part of a Pride, whoever they are and wherever they live in the world. Older people are often stereotyped as asexual and devoid of feelings or emotion as societal pressures take their toll. Hundreds of movies about twenty-somethings falling in love, while so called ‘grey love’ remains invisible and silent. Glance at the showings in any cinema, and it seems the only people allowed to have fulfilling or authentic sex lives are the young, tanned, and chiselled.

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